Wednesday, 25 July 2018


OK let's do this.

Right from the get go ..

I have been around gaming a long time, despite what some butt hurts would have you believe who have probably played games for like two or three years?

I played all the Chris Roberts games from years ago and the other games from the original, Origin .. ahem, group. The Wing Commanders, Freelancer .. the damn flight sim I cannot recall the name of and others.

If you do not know I have a degree in software engineering and even had an interview with Pivotal Games years back to be a games programmer.

I have followed the hardware and software for a long time and I see a lot of fighting going on, fanboyism going on and a lot of false claims.

When he first announced Star Citizen I was blown away .. because he reappeared out of nowhere and was about to bring my old love affair back to life.

I have followed and followed and followed this and after they missed the predicted launch date I thought .. uh-oh!

Then the first disappointed people started to leave and it grew .. currently it seems to be around 55% disappointed to 45% fanboys from what I can work out.

I also hear a lot of utter shite, over the top fanboying from actual YouTubers praising the game, if I can call it that, that makes me want to reach for a bucket.

Tonight I was watching a video from Failure To Report, FTR, who sound pretty sensible and I was amazed at the experts quoting time frames for the game. Wrong time frames and the reasoning was well off. Funny as Chris Roberts got it way, way wrong but these guys seem to know what it is all about.

Right .. just because the graphics and textures look twice as good as other games does not equate to twice as long .. OK?

The modelling does not take 8 years .. OK?

Better textures require batter cameras and the textures are simply applied to a 3D model .. OK? It does not take twice as long to produce a hi-res picture nor does it take any longer to map it.

I will tell you what does take longer ..

  • Creating the 3D engine .. oh but they did not
  • Making bigger maps
  • Filling those maps
  • Longer story line, though again not 8 years .. 
    • Imagine it taking 8 years to write the next Star Wars or Star Trek movie before even starting to film it?! Lol.
  • Adding more side quests
  • Adding more objects to the bigger map
  • Artificial Intelligence .. provided it is an advancement from what has gone before in the first place?
  • Adding any new content .. like new creatures
What has already been done and what may have already been done ..

  • Models previously made only need slight additions
  • Characters previously done only require slight improvements
  • Creatures if ant only need slight improvements
  • 3D Engine in most instances
  • MMO's have been done to death .. they somehow screw this up though from time to time
In the future and someone did ask if they could ever bring the production time down? Well yes ..

You see 3D Engines wont need to be improved any more once you reach a point.

The modelling wont need improving any longer once you reach a point.

Meaning any previous models stored can be reused or altered a little in any follow up game.

Artificial Intelligence probably wont be far behind with having to require improvements.

Already where probably going to reach stages where the maps wont require to get much bigger .. from what Bethesda have been using. For example Elder Scrolls 6 might be there or damn close to not needing to be any bigger. Perhaps?

And to the idiot that stated that 8 years is "mid range" for game development? LMFAO .. no .. just .. no!

They also use the excuses of production costs and with Star Citizen itself this is very difficult to comment on .. because I am sure it has all been done badly, do not need to be Stephen Hawking to see that. But how much so is impossible to figure out.

Do not even think of commenting and claiming there were no screw-ups or major screw-ups because there is one fecking huge one staring everyone in the face! And that is with me doing no effing research and only looking in now and then for an eternity to see where it is at .. which has constantly been bloody nowhere.

In all honesty I have not been able to believe it for the last few years and it has gone over the line of being ridiculous, as have the fanboys .. which always has me shaking my head in disbelief.

I just hope it happens one day ..

Anyone out there fro the age of ten to 14 might want to remember to get prepared on its release to not getting into any major epic space battles by using the lavatory first. Because getting to the loo and back using your zimmer-frames is going to take time and might cost you the war? Lol.

I also heard that mining had just been introduced and I was like "What the fuck?!" Eight fucking years and they have only now introduced mining?! Jesus Christ!

Then I heard that you had to pay .. was it $150? I was like "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" That is a fucking piss-take.

You know what the thing is about piss-takes? Once someone does a piss-take after awhile they do even bigger piss-takes and as they get away with it, it continues on.

That is the nature of the beast baby and I see this absolutely everywhere.

Ohh bu the costs, I hear people cry? Yeah .. does not seem to be a problem for CD Project Red?!

Yeah that is why the spend 5 years or so making a game .. because they only earn fifty quid, bucks, when they are done. Oh I have heard this bullshit regarding all this pay monthly and pay to win bullshit .. from people that have nothing to do with the actual game development. EA, UBI Soft, Activision and others. Fuck .. off.

I told UBI Soft once they were greedy fuckers, were patronising and did not know what the fuck they were doing, were also liars and told them to fuck off. They banned me for several days?! Go figure! Lol,

Worst part about all this is I was only interested in Squadron 42, what IS with these shite names? That did not even get talked about for a few years and I still hear nothing about it!

Yeah so try and think before you start shouting your fanboy bullshit and do not get angry with people because they have gotten sick of waiting. Your a complete idiot to get annoyed with others for getting annoyed with an incredibly long period of time. Made worse by the fact that it is way beyond the promised time. Way, way beyond and you do not even have a fecking light at the end of this tunnel!

It is a shame really because fanboys in everything make everything worse. They take time because they know your gullible. They know most wont complain.

Intel are learning now that they should not have done that.

Bethesda are only know beginning to learn, or maybe Zenimax, that they should not have done this.

Did you see the Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 trailers? What the actual fuck was that? They were nothing. Nothing. These were only shown because they were going after the pay to win MMO crap and the audience was not impressed with Fallout 76. I bet they kept those two short clips to the back and someone said ..

"Yeah .. if they look like they are lacking enthusiasm for Fallout 76 play those fecking clips!"

I was excited for Starfield's trailer until it ended and when they moved on to Elder Scrolls 6 HammerfuckedOff I thought "Starfield was nothing and this will be less than nothing!" Fog and mountains and that music ... oooooooooohhhh!

Yeah so Fallout 4 was average because of Fallout 76 which they were obviously also working or focusing on. Yeah and so Starfield will be 2020 and Elder Scrolls 6 around 2023. Hmm wont that be ten years after Skyrim? Lol.

Also said no more Obsidian Fallout? Morons! Best Fallout game ever but wont repeat it?! Riiight!

Gaming has become twisted, perverted gambling aimed at children .. as has now been judged exactly as I expected it would. Just do not know why it took them so long.

It will go back.

On and streaming boxes? Yeeeaaaah .. no!