OK I have ten minutes
to kill so that my anti-nausea drugs, Metoclopramide Hydrochloride,
kick in and allow me to play Fallout 4!
I was going to go
straight into it but it wont let me and this has happened a couple of
times along with some other weird things, like my Roccat keyboard
remaining lit when the computer is off.
In fact before I write
a bit about Fallout 4 and my initial impressions I started this
because I wanted to point out that Windows 10 has started to play up
with some very odd things.
First off is that Steam
does not always start up when Windows does and refuses to run when I
try to run it?! Only happened last 24 hours and only runs if I
restart Windows.
As for starting or
restarting Windows 10 there is another couple of odd things it has
started doing and I am wondering whether they have all been pissed
down at Microsoft? Or have all contracted some virus that makes them
delirious or hallucinate? Because sometimes when it starts up the
'Number Lock' is on and sometimes it is off.
The other odd thing it
has started doing is making the old Windows start up sound on
occasion and the Windows 10 start up sound the rest of the time?!
What the FUCK?!
Oh and my typing has
gone to pot on my computer too, which now makes one Android phone,
one Windows phone and now my PC whereby letters get addedd … THERE!
I am leaving that in and it just added an extra 'd' on the end of
'added' and I actually watched it do thi! Oh and it missed an 's'
now! LOL!
I find it impossible to
be a coincidence that two devices I have typed things out without
issue for years with one and twenty years for another are both now
doing odd things when using them to type! This was already beyond
coincidence before throwing in another Android phone and a Windows
Phone too!
But then I have upset a
great deal of powerful people and organisations with my blogs on
corruption so having someone interfering with my stuff is not some
weird and crazy conspiracy theory idea but a highly likely one.
Evidence has gone
missing in the post about a court case and that evidence is still
faling to arrive in any shape or form! I have some elves and minions
now to help out so I am leaving that for others to chase up.
Now for Fallout 4 …
It is good and when it
runs, a Windows 10 and/or Steam problem, and has not acted up at all
with no crashes or anything else thus far. In fact it has run better
than New Vegas and I bought the Game Of The Year Edition so should
have had everything ironed out by then. New Vegas would crash
sometimes on a loading screen.
As for the game itself,
yes it is good but I have noted some annoying things and some
disappointing ones.
Sorry but to me the map
does seem small and this for me was a major disappointment. Added to
that the collision detection is off, Molotov Cocktails want to
explode whenever anything is nearby! While on the subject of Molotov
Cocktails many groups want to just keep hurling them at you, Super
Mutants for sure, and can throw them a bloody long way whereas you
throw them like a ten year old schoolgirl!
The Brotherhood of
Steel Power Armour now needs a nuclear battery and I did not realise
and ran out of power in the middle of nowhere. Oddly this was while
trying to figure out how I had managed to get the armour so bloody
early in the game and use it without any training?
Admittedly the other
games you got it real late in the game, which was far too late to
enjoy it, while this one you get it too early.
The graphics are better
than the previous Fallouts by some margin, however that do not look
like more than a couple of steps beyond that of Skyrim. Considering
the period of time between these two games that is something of a
AT least the weapons
and use of them have improved!
I heard some reviewers
on YouTube claim that there is a hell of a load to do in the game,
trying to talk it up due to the small map. Really? There must be a
city or two in ruins somewhere with a myriad of bog buildings to roam
around in and a huge underground section or two I have not come
across yet?
Also the draw distance
looks like that of the old games, nowhere near far enough!
Other than that I am
enjoying it so far and maybe it will pick up a great deal in time?
Maybe I will be playing it in a couple of months time like I did with
Skyrim but looking at the map I have doubts I will be playing this in
a months time?
The loading sections
are also very Skyrim looking, which reminds me of a guy who text in
to PC Gamer stating he or she hoped it was “...not a Skyrim v2.0
Boogaloo remix!”. That remark made me laugh and raised an eyebrow
as 'Boogaloo' sounded like a track that could dhave been missing from
Jean Michel Jarre's Zoolook album.
I did like Nick
Valentine as a companion, thought it was James Woods doing the voice
at first and then got annoyed at how many times he was telling me
that my dog, Dogmeat, has a good nose on him! Yeah … repeatedly
told by a bloody Android that dogs have good senses of smell?
I am not sure if there
has been a huge amount of disappointed fans over things like the map
size and graphics but had this been released in 6 to 12 months there
could well have been mass disappointment. I cannot work out why the
map is actually smaller than Skyrim's?!
The other game I am
very seriously looking forward to and probably more than or at least
the same amount of anticipation of that of Fallout 4 is Deus Ex
Mankind Divided.
Now Deus Ex Human
Revolution was only several things away from being the greatest game
ever made for me!
- Graphics
- Map Sizes and lack of Open World as such
- Length … and stupid BOSS sections
- Lack of Animal Life
- Carry Amounts
- Not many Weapons
Now the follow up to Human Revolution, Mankind Divided, may have a
crap sub-title like its predecessor but the footage and pictures look
out of this world!
If they correct the shortcomings of Human Revolution as I have listed
above then my blood God this could be deliriously awesome!!
I played one or more of the early Deus Ex's, despite morons on
YouTube popping at me and calling me a newbie, and even have a copy
of Invisible War here. Hmm yes, I played both now I think about it.
But what they did with the reboot, HR, was damned awesome and because
It had …
- Style
- Main Title
- Characters
- Story and Twists
- Awesome Augments
- Atmosphere and …
- Fantastically atmospheric Music
Never looked into whether it got awards for any of the above but
music and style it should have won awards for, that is for certain!
If it didn't the awards are fixed! Err … are there awards
for these things?! Lol!
Had Deus Ex Mankind Divided been launched in a few weeks of
December I could easily see Fallout 4 being ditched for some time
while playing the next Deus Ex.
SIGH maybe the next Fallout 5 might be the perfect Fallout?
Oddly enough that because it does like like Skyrim v2.0 and
due to the fact that next year, 2016, is going to be flooded with new
faster CPUs and GPUs that will be revolutionary I think that the next
game will be the one that blows everyone away.
The lithography, or size of transistors in chips, shrinks by a fair
amount, Intel does not figure in this at all. Intel already shrunk
theirs but despite tech journalists paid to crow about there stuff
the last three versions of their Core i3 to Core i7 have not been big
leaps. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Oh I am sure that when the AMD CPU, APU and Graphics Cards come out
on the new lithography you will suddenly see Intel stuff they have
been holding back while they rip you off for their underwhelming
crap? That is Intel from start to present day I am afraid.
That next game with the graphics to blow us away is, of course, will
be Bethesda's other title, Elder Scrolls 6.
For me these two Bethesda properties of Fallout and Elder Scrolls are
the games that all others need to beat with Deus Ex being the
only exception.
I think its the open world and concentration on single player that
wins them over. The Dead Islands were OK, apart from big trucks on a
single short bloody road, as were the Borderlands but its so co-op
focused it ruins them a little bit.
Dying Light was better but though the interest did last it started to
get boring a little over half way through. The weapon crafting and
may melee and using swords in it was second to none.
I certainly hope that the map of Elder Scrolls 6 will be a
fair bit bigger than Fallout 4? Maybe the map of the latter wont be a
problem as I play the game. But there is just something about
exploring open worlds, if done right, that is so addictive.
I feel a little guilty I did not mention Dragon Age Inquisition
and FarCry but the former got the looting all wrong and the
latter had annoying and linear missions. Both these titles got
ignored for weeks on end or months on end and not because there was
something else I wanted to play either.
With Dragon Age Inquisition I absolutely loved it but I ended up with
the best sword around half way through the game, looting them became
boring. I felt like I was bending over most of the time and felt like
a gardening game. It was also too short, despite the boring looting.
With FarCry this was ignored for completely different reasons and was
out of rage, lol. Yup I will be honest it drove me nuts to the point
of expletives many, many times. I then ignored it for months.
The day before I bought Fallout 4, the 10th November 2015,
I completed FarCry 3 finally and the day before that I
completed Dragon Age Inquisition which included some romantics
and sexy romps with Cassandra.
Now why can't I find a woman like that?!
Oooh I forgot?! Bethesda's other title, Dishonoured!
A third classic but not quite up there with the other two but it has
a sequel on the way! Ooh boy do I hope that one leaps forwards on the
last two have open worlds like the other three I love?! Oooh boy, do
I dream of that happening, or what?! Lol!
There is of course the title that Dishonoured sort of feels
like, Thief. That reboot could get a sequel though I have not seen or
heard anything of one just yet. I loved Deadly Shadows so
much. The reboot looked great but need bigger maps, greater longevity
and a few tweaks here and there.
Now my drugs have had a chance to kick in and I am off to reboot my
PC to play Fallout 4!
Ooh yeah and I must get umm … the AMD Raptr thing to work again so
I can record my playing for YouTube! Bloody Raptr and bloody Windows
10! Lol!
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