Friday, 15 June 2018


Well this has been weird.

I wanted to see a few more videos of people that had seen the gameplay to Cyberpunk 2077 because after watching Angry Joe's reaction I became even more intrigued than I was previously.

Surely it can't be as good as he says?

Been awhile since I seen him that excited.

Read a few comments sections and can't believe how there is now a backlash from people that call themselves gamers?!

Probably the same types of morons that attacked me for saying negative things about The Witcher 3? Oh the irony.

Then I had to comment when someone stated somewhere that gamers, again with the gamers, were complaining that's it's an RPG and not a first person shooter?! What the actual .. feck?! I wonder what idiot would say that?! Do they even know who CD Project Red is?! Jesus!

Gamers?! Lol.

I told how I got attacked and told I wasn't a gamer and said ..

  • Gaming since ... Forever
  • Degree in software engineering
  • Turned down a Doctorate .. for those that like to call people idiots
  • Job interview with Pivotal Games a long time ago

Yeah .. because armchair experts with big mouths and self proclaimed intelligence like to shoot from the hip .. with zero research. Lol.

From what I've heard this sounds like the game I was expecting and hoping Deus Ex Mankind Divided would be.

I love Deus Ex. It is a series that had the potential to not only be the best but also sell like there is no tomorrow. I'm sure CDPR were well aware of this when they decided to go the Cyberpunk route?

Unfortunately the last Deus Ex didn't quite meet my expectations from the reviews. A shame as I bloody love that series.

Now Cyberpunk 2077 is getting way more excitement than I could ever have imagined and I expected it to be a lot with how popular The Witcher series was. Also with how popular Deus Ex was. So I had high expectations over this .. especially being several years down the road from The Witcher 3 and the advancements in graphics chips and consoles.

Well I found this guy called YongYea and he was a gaming journalist who saw the gameplay ..

He went on with very high expectations, which is not a good idea as you tend to get disappointed. Be this with games, films or even music.

In fact he had very high expectations and guess what?

He was blown away.

It's only a few minutes but listen to his passion and what he says about third person perspective concerns ..

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