I have stated for bloody years before I even started this blog and every now and then during its life that by bit keeping the status quo among everyone you are sleepwalking into a nightmare.
I have repeated this many times to petiole that should know better as well as think they know better...
The Law Society, Community Legal Advice, Citizens Advice, Solicitors Regulatory Authority and dozens and dozens of solicitors.
All of the above like to talk using words they think makes them fat mire intelligent than the next person to come along. All think they know better. None do!
I used the words 'status quo' rather deliberately to bout be so obvious but make people immediately think of a level playing field.
A level playing field tends to invoke images of scales.
Scales are the very symbol that represents justice in the United Kingdom and yet for up to three decades now it had been eroded and the scales tipped heavily to one side!
For me those members of the above organizations should be utterly ashamed of themselves for their lack of sincerity along with their turning away, or being incompetently blind, for what had been going on for a long time now!
I wrote this post after seeing a report on the BBC App about a fraud trial being halted amid the emerging fact that their is a lack of legal aid meaning the trial would not be fair.
Or perhaps I would be more correct in saying that this is the first case that was getting media attention where they had no choice but to do what they did for fear of repercussions?!
It beggars belief that many people work for an industry whose very symbol is justice for all and yet have gone completely against the fundamental principles for its very origins and yet walk around and act as if it is them and not the scales that should be revered and command respect?
Maybe if you one day start to act like it once again that respect may return. However systematically destroying justice while approaching one of the worst financial times in recorded history was a powder keg slap bang in the centre of the smoker's lounge at the local school!!
Speaking of schools it was dreadful what happened to that poor teacher and I was worried about something like this happening and then getting worse. I have a few predictions regarding this but not enough had been released in the mainstream media about it for any suspicions to be confirmed.
I am worried however that this may become more common place if the situation with the UK remains as it is for much longer.
So below is the link to the fraud trial which for halted over lack of legal aid!
Stupid, stupid overpaid fools with delusions of grandeur.
I recently thought I had won a major victory recently after receiving an email but then could not read it for a couple of days. It was 3AM when I read it so was out of it as I am currently in a very bad period oh sleepless episodes.
I shall pay about this in the next couple of days but it's not a big a big victory as I first thought! It is still a victory but not one whereby I receive something of what I lost, despite the fact I now recall that it is actually two things I lost each year for 7 years!
I shall email them back punting out this oversight, probably blame me and state it was my responsibility to do re-do it, so to speak. But they have now admitted it was there mistake and then asking with reminding them off this I will point out the errors of their comments based on the facts known of my condition!
Fraud trial halted amid legal aid row http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27238201
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