Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Well after several hours one video was frozen so I have cancelled it in the hope that the OTHERS would then start uploading.

Unfortunately this does not seem to have helped?! At 1.50AM you would THINK that any uploading would be OK?!

I am getting web pages up quick enough so it could be that YouTube has a problem!

As for the Ubuntu thing I will have a little look see later in week and I have singled out a book on Amazon, an OFFICIAL book apparently, to possibly order later in the week.

I have been intending to go out and offload my old Nikon Camera but the weather has put paid to that plan, maybe tomorrow or Thursday but I have to be careful as I think I have an appointment Thursday and another on Monday and then another the following Thursday?!

No rest for the REALLY WICKED is how it seems to be for mere mortals these days in the UK, lol.

I am going to have to leave the laptop on all night and leave the phone next to it plugged in...AGAIN!

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